w/ Allison Denise
CoAuthor Opportunities
Ease your way into becoming an author or bestselling author by joining a book collaboration.
She's Awakened
From Pain to Purpose
Led by Visionary Julia J Banks
THIS IS FOR YOU IF you are a woman of faith who overcame trauma and stepped into your purpose and power. You who understand what it’s like to walk alone in your darkest moments, to be rejected by the very ones that were supposed to be there to support you.
With this project, you get to ignite a fire in women that have been in that same dark place - hurt, ready to quit, alone, scared, and wondering if she’s ever going to rise again.
I know what it’s like to be in that place. I didn’t think I would get up again. Deep within me there was something that I didn’t know was there and when that awakened within me I awakened and decided to live.
I am looking to partner with women who had similar experiences with victorious outcomes, and who want to share their victory stories with women who need a victory story.
Girl, Don't Count Yourself Out!
You are resilient, tenacious, & faithful
Led by Visionary Sabrina Thomas
THIS IS FOR YOU IF you have had to pivot in their life because of health issues, parenting/motherhood, career/entrepreneurship, and divorce. Also, women who counted themselves out because of fear, rejection, lack of confidence, and self-doubt.
If you want to share your story to inspire and empower other women not to count themselves out join this anthology with women sharing their stories of resilience, faith, and tenacity.
Making Love & Money
A Legacy-making project for couplepreneurs
Led by Visionary Dr Ranelli & Eric Williams
THIS IS FOR YOU IF you are a couple thriving in your business(es) and your marriage or a couple needing some help to thrive in one or both areas, you need to be in this project. You do not need to have a perfect marriage and business to be part of this project. You just need to be committed to enhancing both. The goal of this project is to begin a movement of healthy and strong relationships and business.
We are seeking 20 couples in business to join us in this project, which includes:
- An anthology
- A documentary
- Visibility with a full-page magazine spread
- More visibility and lead generation with our launch summit
- Training in the area of marriage, marketing, and money
- And so much more...
We’ve partnered with some powerhouses to help bring this all to life.
Overcoming Desolate Places
Testimonies of God's Faithfulness & Power
Led by Visionary Monique White
We have all been there -- a dry and barren place with no water or sustenance in sight with no reprieve from the elements. It’s that place where you are so overwhelmed by hurt, betrayal, shame, disbelief, doubt, and hopelessness and you wonder if you have the strength to go on. Everyone has been through something at some time. When we wanted to give up or give in, that still small voice said, “Don’t give up.” It’s the power of that Voice that propels us to the other side. It’s the path to the way of escape that built your strength, opened your eyes, provided the tools for you to gain sustenance, and took you to new lands of opportunity.
Tell Your Story of Overcoming what you thought would destroy you and stepping into everything God promised you.