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She's a trailblazer!


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1 Signed Paperback Copy of We Blaze the Trail Book


Allison Denise

Allison Denise is a 9x Best Selling Author, International Speaker, and an Award-Winning Graphic Designer of beautiful boss brands and books through her biz Brand It Beautifully™. A servant leader at heart and an eclectic, creative soul, she seeks to help Christian Women in Business stir up their gifts, monetize their message, edify tThe Body, and leave their legacy in the world. As an avid advocate of self-acceptance and spiritual empowerment, it is her desire that every woman finds the power in their voice and the beauty in her story. Every book she publishes, event she hosts, or class she teaches is part of her vision from God to merge ministry and the marketplace into one. She prays that something you experience, someone you meet, or something you do as a result of this encounter will ignite the fire in you to Empower Your Inner Creator™ and become everything God designed you to be.


Connect on Instagram and Facebook @ImAllisonDenise

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